Our mission is to make you feel that you belong.

Level Ten was created by a small group of life long friends with the goal to support expats with their assimilation into Switzerland. Learning a foreign language and immersing yourself into a new culture can be challenging. Our mission is to provide a language learning experience that we ourselves would find valuable if moving abroad. We strive to assist you in this transition and beyond. Level Ten locals feel at home in Zurich and aim to ensure that you do too.

A few numbers that we are proud of



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Five-star reviews

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Students community

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The story of our founders

Level Ten was created by a small group of life long friends with the goal to support expats with their assimilation into Switzerland. Our mission is to provide a language learning experience that we ourselves would find valuable if moving abroad. Learning a foreign language and immersing yourself into a new culture can be challenging. Thanks to our team's personal experiences, we know and understand these concerns first-hand. We strive to assist you in this transition and beyond.

The mission behind Level Ten

Our mission is to provide a language learning experience that we ourselves would find valuable if moving abroad. Learning a foreign language and immersing yourself into a new culture can be challenging. Thanks to our team's personal experiences, we know and understand these concerns first-hand.

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Our values...

are the things we really care about.

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Make a Difference

We dare to change the future of our clients. New skills open new doors.

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Connect People

Breaking language barriers is key. We teach students local, but impact global.

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Provide Quality Time

The way we spend our time defines who we are. We strive to be the best at what we do.

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Treat people the way you want to be treated. With kindness, courtesy and politeness.

Our company history

Presenting Academy, the tech school of the future. We teach you the right skills to be prepared for tomorrow.

Join Our Team

Launched course #500

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Reached 100 team members

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Launched first course

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur dolorili adipiscing elit. Felis donec massa aliquam id dolor .


Education founded

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Our offices

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San Francisco

sanfrancisco@education.com+1 (415) 550 - 2433
51 Osceola Ln, San Francisco, California(CA), 94124
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toronto@education.com+1 (416) 555 - 0132
87 Buttonwood Circle Estevan, Toronto S4A 9S1
London - Education X Webflow Template


london@education.com+44 (207) 946 - 0210
9413 Station Road London, EC31 8AY
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🇨🇭 Our mission is to make you feel that you belong.

Level Ten was created by a small group of life long friends with the goal to support expats with their assimilation into Switzerland. Our mission is to provide a language learning experience that we ourselves would find valuable if moving abroad. Learning a foreign language and immersing yourself into a new culture can be challenging. Thanks to our team's personal experiences, we know and understand these concerns first-hand. We strive to assist you in this transition and beyond.

Join Our Team